eoffice Training Module-2


1) Different Instances for e-Office!!! 

2) How to log in? 

3) How to register DSC Token? 

4) How to install Anydesk? 


1) Different Instances. 

For Railway Employee's https://ir.eoffice.railnet.gov.in/ 

For Railtel Employee's https://eoffice.rcil.gov.in/ 

2) Login: 

               For Railway Employee's without using @gov.in 

               For Railtel Employee's without using @railtelindia.com 

3) DSC Tokens: 

 e-Pass Token 

 Watch data token 

 other tokens 


4) Any desk: download link  Remote Support Application

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kani karthik said…
M2Y Safety Training Academy helps establish a safety culture in which employees themselves help promote proper safety procedures while on the job. It is important that new employees be properly trained and embrace the significance of working environment safety as it is simple for seasoned workers to negatively influence the new hires.